About Us

FSCF Capital Ltd. is a global supply chain finance company.

We connect companies that have working capital tied up in their supply chains with accredited investors seeking private debt investment opportunities.

Our focus is on strong relationships, superior asset quality and prudent risk mitigation.

What is Supply Chain Finance?

Supply chain finance is rapidly becoming a competitive advantage in its own right because it gives companies the power to unlock already existing financial resources to fund new growth and innovation strategies. Continue reading “What is Supply Chain Finance?”

Core Capabilities

Our core capabilities originate from extensive knowledge and expertise in both, international trade and global finance. We understand and pay careful attention to what needs to be accomplished on the physical level of a transaction for it to become the foundation of a successful financial investment.

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Alternative Investment

The appeal of alternative investing in supply chain finance comes from the unique combination of an attractive yield and short duration. The investment is based on self-liquidating, insurable account receivables resulting from clearly identifiable events in the physical supply chain.

 Low correlation to traditional equity and bond indices underlines the role of supply chain finance as a diversifier within the context of modern portfolio theory. Adding supply chain finance exposure to a diversified portfolio can provide a complement to traditional fixed income allocations.

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FSCF Capital Ltd.